The last two nights, I performed in the UHH International Night. It was fun and enjoyable. It has helped me LOVE music even more. With the mass-cultural-styles and differences, made both nights enjoyable. Whats more exciting about this, is the fact that I participated in two parts of the concert. Friday night I sang with the Institute Choir, and then Saturday I accompanied "DA HILO SISTAHS." Which I am officially part of. Such great talent. I enjoyed it, and look forward to doing next year.

What a Beautifuly Day!!!

I'm so excited for our Elder Auna. How exciting to know that he'll be serving in the Lord's Vineyard. It was such a beautiful and joyous day. Yes there was some tears, but I know Elder Auna will do fine and he'll be taken cared of by the Lord.

I haven't made it online to write on my blog, but I'll do my best for the rest of the year to keep posting new things.

As far as I know I got bills to pay and plans to work out and a life to lead in righteousness. Of course got some service, love, and fun-time in between everything.


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